Release Date: 01/23/24
Modified Date: 01/23/24
The Connection Broker and Gateway can be installed on any virtual or physical machine running the latest Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 8.x operating system and its derivatives such as Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux OS.
Leostream Connection Broker
The Leostream Connection Broker will not function properly on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x operating system.
The following error is displayed when attempting a status check of the Broker on a Linux 9.x machine. The command to run a status check is:
leostream-broker --health
You can check the operating system by using the command:
If your virtual or physical machine is running on a linux 9.x operating system you should reinstall on a linux 8.x server.
Connection Broker Web App is Unavailable
This may be caused by a permission error when starting the Connection Broker. If running “su - leo” throws a permission denied error you should check two areas to make sure that leo is given sudoer permissions. Check “/etc/sudoers.d/leo” and “/etc/security/access.conf” to make sure leo permissions are not blocked and change it if they are.
Permission Denied Error
The following error can occur when attempting to install the Leostream Connection Broker.
This error can occur since the partition does not have the permissions to execute files. Since the /var directory contains the ‘leo’ user it must be given appropriate permissions.
If the partition /var is mounted with the file system options nosuid and noexec the installation will fail.
/dev/mapper/sda1-var /var xfs nosuid,noexec 0 0
Check the "fstab" file in /etc directory and make sure ‘nosuid’ and ‘noexec’ are not file system options on the /var partition. You can replace these file system options with the key work ‘defaults’ which will give the leo user the permissions needed.
Leostream Gateway
The Leostream Gateway will not function properly on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x operating system. The following error is displayed when attempting to install the Leostream Gateway on a machine running Linux 9.x.
If your virtual or physical machine is running on a linux 9.x operating system you should reinstall on a linux 8.x server.
Gateway scan failed, error: 401 Unauthorized
This error is often caused by a missing broker entry in /var/www/auth found on the Leostream Gateway server. Check to see if the broker entry is missing by entering "cat /var/www/auth" in the Leostream Gateway server. If the file is empty or there is no "broker" entry, follow these steps:
1) Connect to your Leostream Gateway server and enter "leostream-gateway --detach" in the terminal
2) In your Connection Broker UI navigate to Setup > Gateways and delete your gateway
3) In the same location, click "Add Gateway" and re-enter your gateway information
4) Return to the Leostream Gateway server and enter "leostream-gateway --broker" followed by your broker ip
Leostream Agent
If you encounter this file execution error while installing the Leostream Agent on a linux 9.x machine follow these steps to successfully install the agent.
Step 1: Navigate to the /etc/init.d/ directory and run:
sudo rm leostreamagentd
Step 2: Move out of the init.d directory and remove the directory as well:
cd ..
sudo rmdir init.d
Step 3: Install the chkconfig file:
sudo yum install chkconfig
Step 4: Navigate back to the directory with the leostream agent jar file and re-attempt to install
Step 5:After the installation is complete run:
sudo yum install initscripts
The Leostream Agent will now be installed properly.